[#3 of 4 part series]
Last week we looked at what the Avaduta had learned from the five elements: Space, Air, Fire, Water & Earth. Today we look at another 6 Gurus that he learnt from:

#8 Moth: A moth is attached to forms that appear in fire. It is unable to resist this attraction and flies into the fire right to its death. How can we learn from the moth to only watch what nourishes us and not get caught into the trap of viewing content which drains our mind and spirit?

#9 Deer: A deer is attached to the sense of sound. It is attracted by the sound of flute music, and gets caught. How can we learn from the deer to only listen to what helps our mind grow and not fall prey to any fake news and malicious propaganda?
#10 Fish: A fish is attached to the sense of taste. That is why it is unable to resist the bait attached at the end of the fishing rod. How can we learn to control the tongue, as the sense of taste pulls us into mindless consumption?

#11 Sun: We can see the reflection of the Sun on different surfaces. It appears as many images of small Suns, be it on a shiny tin roof, or in a puddle of water, or in small dew drops. And yet, it remains as the one & only real Sun, shining brightly in the sky. How can we see beyond the surface level differences and notice the real oneness in people to overcome fear, jealousy & hatred?
#12 Moon: Although the moon appears to change through different phases of waxing and waning, in reality it remains unchanged. Similarly, the Self appears to go through many changes in the body - from birth, to childhood, adolescence, adulthood, old-age and eventual death - but our true Self remains unchanged. How can we learn from the moon to see that we are truly unchanging despite the changing body, mind, intellect?

#13 Ocean: Even though on the surface of the ocean there may be waves and storms, there is always calmness in the depths of the ocean. Similarly, the mind of a monk, although responsive to the situations as they arise, remains calm and content deep within. How can we learn from the Ocean to go from a 'monkey' mind to a 'monk' mind?
We have seen several teachings from the Sun, the moon, the ocean, the fish, the deer and the moth. Which of these can we apply into our daily lives?
#Avadutas24gurus #ancientwisdom #gratitudetoteachers #lifelonglearning #coachingmindset #joyofsharing #learningfromnature
Photos by Zdeněk Macháček; Jeremy Manoto, Timo Volz, Danist Soh on Unsplash

The author, Anuj Chadha, is a Life & Executive Coach, Founder of Three Circles. At Three Circles, we come with a deep understanding of what it takes to navigate the challenges that life throws at us. We partner with our clients, listen to their life aspirations, and support them to break through the obstacles that seem to be holding them back. Life is too precious to be unhappy, unsure, or unfulfilled. Give us the opportunity to partner with you as you re-imagine and re-create the Life that you Love!