Have you ever wondered why some people are always smiling and optimistic while some others are usually cautious and more pessimistic? Neither is good or bad, and both personalities will be more suitable in certain role profiles.

Why do some children have an affinity for playing musical instruments and others get a kick out of playing football in a large open field? And why was Zumba, a huge black Great Dane I met recently, calmly waiting his turn at the vet, while our sweet little Fae was more restless?
These questions point to an age-old debate between nature and nurture. Is our natural predisposition a given, or can it be changed?
Recently, while reviewing the material for a personality assessment tool, Workplace Great 5, I came across the term "Genes and Jeans", that throws light on this factor. Current psychological research states that about 60% of human behaviour is driven by Nature (Genes) and the other 40% by Nurture (Jeans - or khakis or shorts for that matter!)
Our natural tendencies or capacities are determined by Nature, but our conditioning influenced by our upbringing, family and work environment impact how we learn to deal with the situations that we are faced with.
When we understand our natural tendencies, for example our desire for perfection and structure, or our capacities for detail vs big picture, or our capacities for being still vs being active, we can anticipate the type of work or home environment that we will feel at ease in.
So what? We may find ourselves in situations that are not in alignment with our Genes and that is where the role of Jeans comes in. Once we know that our natural tendency is in conflict with the situation, we can choose to either work on our capacity to manage within the situation (the 40% zone), try and modify the situation, or in some extreme circumstances, choose to exit from the situation altogether. I found this to be a hugely empowering insight. And it applies to us, our teams and our family members as well.
Photo by Elmer Canas on Unsplash

The Author, Anuj Chadha, is Founder of Three Circles - Coaching to create the Life that you love! At Three Circles, we come with a deep understanding of what it takes to navigate the challenges that life throws at us. We partner with our clients, listen to their life aspirations, and support them to break through the obstacles that seem to be holding them back. Life is too precious to be unhappy, unsure, or unfulfilled. Give us the opportunity to partner with you as you re-imagine and re-create the Life that you Love!