In Feb 2023, I wrote about my learnings from our first Pet, Fae. A few months later in April 2023, Veer came into our lives. He was rescued by the team at the same vet where we used to take Fae for her routine treatment. Veer was rescued after he met with a terrible road accident, at a delicate age of 4 months. While the Doctor at the Vet Clinic tried her best, she could not save Veer's one leg. One of the staff members took care of Veer over the next couple of months as he regained strength and he aptly named him Veer - or "Braveheart". We came to know that the staff at the Vet had been looking for a family to adopt Veer for a few months without any luck. As we visited the Vet and played with Veer, we felt the tug and we brought him home to see if Veer and Fae would get along. And get along they did - like a house on fire!
Over the last 16 months, Veer has grown into a handsome and naughtiest 2-year-old, but what a Braveheart he is! Here are a few things that Veer has taught me over the last few months:
Don't let perceived limitations slow you down: It was common for me to let a so-called limitation come in the way of living my life to the fullest. It could be a fear of heights until I eventually bungee jumped. It could be the lack of experience to run my own business until I set up Three Circles two years ago (That too felt like a bungee jump in some ways!) I am still overcoming other fears. Veer has taught me that all limitations are only perceptions in my mind. They will be blown away as soon as I take the 'leap of faith.'
When I don't worry about what is normal, I can be myself: How often do we try to 'fit in' to a group? Try to be 'normal' so we are accepted and not rejected for being different? I have seen so many stereotypes of successful leaders in my career, but somehow I felt I was different. Anything that I would try to emulate would invariably be a struggle and effortful, almost a burden. Veer has taught me to not worry about what is normal. He really doesn't care how many legs other dogs have - he just runs like crazy!
It's a World of possibilities out there!: At each shift in my career, I felt that there was something new I was discovering. From an individual contributor to a manager of people, from a sales leader to a marketing leader of a category, from a functional leader to a Country GM, from a domestic role to an International role - each time there was something new that opened up. At each change, there were some nerves and some excitement to make an impact. Veer does the most unthinkable antics in our family - I don't think he feels nervous. It is only a World of Possibilities for him!
Why run, when you can Fly! - Growing through my career, I came across the idea of 'degrees of change'. To be successful in a corporate career it was prudent to make one or two degrees of change - a degree of change could be a change of product portfolio, a change of business model, or a change of country. I found that the most dramatic learning for me was when portfolio, country, and business model - all three were new. And even this was outdone when I moved on from my corporate career to setting up my Leadership Coaching practice. Fae and Veer's Zoomies (When dogs run like crazy!) are the most famous daily entertainment in our home. Veer doesn't let the friction of being in touch with the ground come in the way of his speed. His motto seems to be, Why run, when you can fly!
Thanks, Veer! Keep flying partner!
What is inspiring you these days?
#learningfrompets #overcomelimitations #beingmyself #worldofpossibilities
Pic: Veer and Fae, witnessing the world!
Video: Veer running to a new-found treasure at a farm!

The author, Anuj Chadha, is a Leadership Coach, Founder of Three Circles, Faculty & Coach with Leadership Et' Humanite, and an Associate Coach with the Center for Creative Leadership.
At Three Circles, we build a deep understanding of what it takes to navigate the challenges that life throws at us. We partner with our clients, listen to their life & career aspirations, and support them to break through the obstacles that seem to be holding them back. Life is too precious to be unhappy, unsure, or unfulfilled. Partner with us as you re-imagine and re-create the Life that you Love!