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What is Coaching?Coaching is a forward looking process during which as a coach, I support you to define your personal or professional goals, and help you to identify ways to achieve them in a sustainable manner. It is a co-creative process where you take the lead to define what you want to achieve and at what pace you want to achieve it. As your coach, I help you to discover your own unique solutions using a process of para-phrasing, mirroring and asking questions.
How is Coaching different from Consultation, Counselling, Therapy & Mentoring?A consultant will help you to diagnose the problem, prescribe solutions, and sometimes help you to implement the solutions. A counsellor or therapist is trained to diagnose and guide the client with problems related to managing emotions, mental health, and dealing with the past. They may apply principles of psychology and human development. A mentor is an expert who provides wisdom and guidance based on his or her own experience. The mentors takes active interest in the development of the individual and their focus is to impart wisdom to the individual who has less experience. In coaching the key difference is who comes up with the solutions – that’s you! It is a process of self-discovery, supported by the coach through a set of powerful techniques including para-phrasing, mirroring, reflecting and asking questions. A good coach does not advise, guide or tell you what you should do. Unlike professions such as doctors, teachers or lawyers, where the relationship is that of a client and an expert, in coaching the subject matter is "you and your life". And hence, the expert is "You". No coach can claim to know what will be the best solution for your challenges and opportunities. But a good coach will help you to discover your own unique and powerful solutions by providing you a space of trust and asking you the right questions. When needed, the coach will administer a set of assessments such as personality assessments, or 360 degree assessments, and use the data from the assessments to enhance your self awareness. This enhance awareness is then utilized to support the growth towards achieving your coaching goal.
What are the areas in which you offer Coaching at Three Circles?The three main areas I offer coaching in are: - Coaching for a Fulfilling Life - Coaching for Thriving Relationships - And Executive Leadership Coaching I conduct this coaching both in 1 to 1, and Group Coaching Workshops format. To read more details of each area click here to go to the Services Page In addition, Three Circles Alliance Partners, Jeanette Villanueva and Sandhya Balakrishnan, offer a wider range of Services to our clients: Jeanette is a Life Coach and Creator of the Midlife Sisters Vlog. Her passion project is to connect with other midlife women through the vlog Midlife Sisters, to inspire others to live their best life joyfully with inner strength, signature style, and confidence! Sandhya is a Yoga Coach and Founder of "The Yogini Project", a digital content platform for creating awareness and driving inspiration about Yoga & Fitness. The Yogini Project speaks to a modern world that is too busy and stressed to build healthy habits that can be sustained for a lifetime. Sandhya’s vision is to build The Yogini Project into a platform that makes Yoga work for a modern world.
Is Coaching for me?Yes, almost everyone can benefit from having a coach, even very successful people. That’s why even the world’s #1 tennis player always counts on their coach to keep them going! Of course, you have to be willing to take responsibility to make a change in your life – that is the starting point for any coaching conversation.
What is your coaching methodology?At three circles we use the G.R.O.W. model to help our clients identify their Goals, Understand their Reality, help them identify Options, and support their Action Plans with a “Will Do” attitude. Click here to find out more
How much is your coaching worth?Coaching is a two-way co-creative process. If you give more time, focus, and trust, you get more out of the coaching. Our belief is that it is truly the best investment you will ever make, because the benefits of coaching permeate through multiple aspects of your life. The other way of answering this question would be ‘How much is happiness and fulfilment worth to you?’
Can you guarantee results?Our experience is that our coaching methodology works. That’s why we offer two complimentary coaching sessions before you sign up for the coaching program. You pay on a monthly basis only after the first two sessions are completed and you are satisfied with the value that you are getting out of the coaching. If you do not see sufficient value in our coaching after two sessions or if we do not find a good coaching fit, we can choose to discontinue, no questions asked. We have found this to be a good way to ensure that all our coaching journeys are meaningful and impactful for our clients.
What do you charge for your coaching?As coaching is a very personalized practice, I prefer to discuss the coaching fee after having the chance to speak with my potential clients. It gives both you and me a sense of whether coaching at Three Circles will be a worthwhile experience for you! I offer a flexible set of coaching packages that are linked to the frequency of coaching sessions and value additions such as Personality Assessments, Mindfulness Masterclass, Yoga Masterclass, and Coaching Exercises using a coaching app. If the Three Circles coaching philosophy resonates with you and you would like to know more, please go ahead and book a 45-minute free consultation by clicking on the "Let's talk" button!
How many sessions are needed for Coaching?The number of sessions needed to achieve your coaching goal is dependent on a few factors such as your Coaching Goal, the degree of focus and commitment to work on your Goal, and the hurdles you face on the way to achieving your Goal. Keeping this in mind, we follow a flexible approach at Three Circles. You can choose the type of coaching package based on the number of sessions you are looking for in each month: Once a week, Once every two weeks, or once a month. You can choose to pay as you go on a monthly basis. While this makes the program more flexible, it increases the onus of commitment to the coaching journey on you.

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